Call us on 0407 070 802
Neurological Physiotherapy
Includes assessment, goal setting and treatment of your current condition. Treatments can include education and advice, traditional 1:1 therapy, program development to allow self management or access to more specialised therapies such as electrical stimulation, mirror box therapy, sensory retraining, constraint induced movement therapy and management post Botulinum toxin injections.
Vestibular Physiotherapy
Assessment, treatment, symptom management and advice to address dizziness, impaired balance, vertigo, blurred vision and impaired walking for a wide range of vestibular conditions such as BPPV, Meniere's Disease, central and peripheral vestibular conditions.
Home Visits, Hydrotherapy or Gym Visits
Functional Mobility Training
We can visit you at home, your local pool or gym to assist you with an individual program or to set up, monitor and progress your self managed program as required.
We can provide expert advice and training of any functional task that you are having trouble with. For example bed mobility, transfers in and out of a chair, walking, managing stairs, getting in and out of the car, crossing roads and accessing the community.
Equipment Review/Prescription
Whether you need advice or assistance with your current orthosis, walking aid, wheelchair or other assistive equipment or help to purchase new equipment. We can help you with this or put you in contact with the right people.
Exercise Prescription
We can provide you with a personalised exercise program. This can be to work towards your current goals or to maintain you at your current level of function. We can review and progress this program when needed.
Carer Training
We can provide advice, practical instruction, training and documentation for your carers in the actual environment that these activities need to occur.
Regular Reviews
We can provide 3, 6 or 12 monthly assessments to review, monitor outcome measures, equipment and goals to maintain a healthy lifestyle and prevent complications of chronic disease.